The guiding principle of
your image consulting
When you start an image consulting, coaching able me to fully know you. That is to say you, your needs & your desires. It is by sharing your story, your background that I will understand and identify your communication objectives.
Thanks to this essential conversation , we will be able, together, to build a program and personalized supports with the ultimate goal of achieving your communication objectives and therefore of enhancing your clothing style , your hairstyle and so many other elements that constitute your appearance . This will allow you to be the person you want to be.
Coaching is the basis of all support, that's why this service is offered. It is also the moment when our relationship of trust is established, it is decisive for evolving in all serenity and especially in an efficient manner.
In addition to being the beginning of a story, coaching is present throughout the various supports. He is the backbone of image consulting .
Image consulting is a moment that belongs to you, my commitment through it is to make this moment as unique as you are.